Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Break experience and New Years Reslution

During winter break was kind of the same as a weekend. When we first got out of school I just went out shopping with my mama. I went out with my friends and got a mark on my body for life. I spent the next day with My boyfriend Brandon. Then I just sat in the house for a couple of days. Most of the break I was out with friends and family. My New years resolution is to make a change of myself. I need to change my altitude and the way I deal with things. Most of all I want to change how shy I am and just take a chance . This winter break I did something I thought I wasn't. That's one step to my new years resolution. By me changing my ways I would be able to get closer to people. If I stick to this I would be a better person to the people that i care about the most and to some that I don't.

1 comment:

~*Mrs.Johnson B.K.A Lady Pooh Kno Dat*~ said...

Im only doing this because Mrs.Barr said I have to me stop playing your blog was cool. I think that if we was in the same grade in grammer school we would have been friends much sooner. Well i wouldnt call us friends but I hope we will be one day. you wrote about a lot of different things on your blog. Where did you come up with them topics? I would never think to write about some of the stuff you did. And one more thing I love that picture of MY HUSBAND on your blog.