Thursday, January 29, 2009

Something Bad That Turned Good!!

It all started January 16, 2009 I went to my friend house and we sat and talked about our boyfriends and everything in between. Then she told me about what what my used to be best friend told her about me that she was discussing with everybody else. I thought when you tell somebody something you can confine in them to keep it to themselves. What I heard was that she was have conversations with other people about how STUPID I was with my relationship with Brandon. When we came back to school the next week I asked a certain person about the situation and it all came down to her and her best friend talking about me. All I had to say to them was keep me an him out your mouth, but to me we was the top story for everybody because they can't maintain their own relationships. After a day me and him talked it out and came up with our own decision. Now I know not to trust everybody, but through it all it showed me who my real friends are and made me and Brandon relationship stronger. It came out good to me because in the end if I needed somebody they wouldn't be there for me like I would for them. This was the best way for me to to learn how to keep things to myself and figure things out on my own rather than talk to everybody.

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