Thursday, September 18, 2008

Something That Irritate Me!!!

Generally things don't bug me, but it drives me crazy when somebody stand by you and fart. They will just stand next to you and pass gas and then act like it wasn't them. Some people will even start laughing , but it doesn't even be funny that is just dis gushing in so many ways. Another thing is when you talking to somebody and somebody else just jump into your conversation with the most stupidest thing. That's happens all the time when I'm in my fifth period class it's this boy that always doing that. If he ain't saying nothing stupid he just get on people nerves. I try to be nice to him because he is my best friend boyfriend but he just is so LAME. Even when I'm getting on the bus and people don't be wanting to move the back of the bus. It be a whole lot the room on the back of the bus and they act they be scared of the kids on the back of the bus. Stuff like that just be killing me because that be making me late to where I'm going.